Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blog 30: Remembering Tempest Smith

We interrupt your daily doldrums to bring you a special message about a very special girl.

Greetings. By now, every one of you truly hoopy froods know that I am a frood who knows where my towel is at. I approach life with a zest and zeal that may be unreasonably positive at times, but you all know I'd rather be manically (and maniacally, I admit) happy than depressed. But today I am writing to you in the most somber mood because what I have to say cannot be said with levity. We all know the world has hateful people in it, people who disguise their hatred and prejudices with the facade of righteousness and holy vindication. We've all dealt with it; I've had my fair share, though I've long been able to withstand such bullying with wit and eloquent profanity -- or fists when words did not suffice. Sadly, not everyone who faces such unreasoning hatred survives. Today I call on all my Readers, my Minions, my Strangers, and my Followers of all stripes to hear me, not for my own sake, but for the sake of someone who can no longer speak or stand for herself.

A very close Witch friend of mine, Andy Peeples, reached out to me and asked me to share the following information with the Rowan Tree Church and anyone else I could think of, and ask anyone so moved to do so participate in a moment of remembrance on 16th September 2019ce. When he explained the reason behind the request, I knew I needed to write this Blog for everyone to see.

Tempest Kayne Smith was born on 16th September 1988ce in Harris County, Texas. She was a Loving, creative, friendly, skinny white girl with wispy blond hair. Tempest was relentlessly bullied, taunted, harassed, threatened, & assaulted by her classmates for years. On the morning of 20th February 2001ce in Wayne County, Michigan, she hung herself in her bedroom with her favourite scarf rather than face another day.

She was singled out for bullying for the following reasons:

a. Her birth Mother was obese
b. She was the child of two lesbians
c. She was a Goth
d. She was openly Wiccan

The persecution was often accompanied by "Christian singing & chanting." Her "teachers" laughed at her, and the administration ignored what was going on entirely.

According to Andy, who is a skilled astrologer, Tempest's chart indicated that she would have been a gifted healer and counselor. The world has been darker and less rich without her.

I would like to ask all of you to at the very least participate in a moment of remembrance on Monday, 16th September 2019ce at any time that you are able. I myself will be performing the Child of Light Healing Ritual for Tempest at 9pm Eastern Time. I invite everyone reading this to join me in joint ritual to send healing energies to her spirit and to all those who are persecuted for being true to themselves. If you are not Magickally inclined or do not know the Child of Light Healing Ritual, then prayer will do.

I don't ever have needed to meet Tempest Kayne Smith to Love her. She needs to know that she is Loved and not forgotten.

For those of you who are still within this mortal coil, know that you are not alone. Your persecution is not your fault. Being true to yourself is not a crime and you have nothing to apologize for. Stand strong, and do not let the hatred of ignorant minds and empty hearts tear you down. If nothing else, know that you are Loved by the Gods for who you are, not who the world wants you to be. As a servant of the Gods, I, too, Love you without ever knowing you, without ever meeting you. I am easy to find and will offer what Love and support I am able if you reach out to me.

To those who witness the brutality of those cretins who prey on those whose only crime is being different, know that to do nothing is worse than if you had taken part in the assault yourself. Even inaction is a choice, and choosing to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to someone in need is not only cowardice, it is evil.

Blessed Be, One and All.

The preceding message has been brought to you by the memory of Tempest Kayne Smith and is sponsored by the number 12. Thank you.

I am The Kyle and I wholeheartedly approve this message.