Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blog 30: Remembering Tempest Smith

We interrupt your daily doldrums to bring you a special message about a very special girl.

Greetings. By now, every one of you truly hoopy froods know that I am a frood who knows where my towel is at. I approach life with a zest and zeal that may be unreasonably positive at times, but you all know I'd rather be manically (and maniacally, I admit) happy than depressed. But today I am writing to you in the most somber mood because what I have to say cannot be said with levity. We all know the world has hateful people in it, people who disguise their hatred and prejudices with the facade of righteousness and holy vindication. We've all dealt with it; I've had my fair share, though I've long been able to withstand such bullying with wit and eloquent profanity -- or fists when words did not suffice. Sadly, not everyone who faces such unreasoning hatred survives. Today I call on all my Readers, my Minions, my Strangers, and my Followers of all stripes to hear me, not for my own sake, but for the sake of someone who can no longer speak or stand for herself.

A very close Witch friend of mine, Andy Peeples, reached out to me and asked me to share the following information with the Rowan Tree Church and anyone else I could think of, and ask anyone so moved to do so participate in a moment of remembrance on 16th September 2019ce. When he explained the reason behind the request, I knew I needed to write this Blog for everyone to see.

Tempest Kayne Smith was born on 16th September 1988ce in Harris County, Texas. She was a Loving, creative, friendly, skinny white girl with wispy blond hair. Tempest was relentlessly bullied, taunted, harassed, threatened, & assaulted by her classmates for years. On the morning of 20th February 2001ce in Wayne County, Michigan, she hung herself in her bedroom with her favourite scarf rather than face another day.

She was singled out for bullying for the following reasons:

a. Her birth Mother was obese
b. She was the child of two lesbians
c. She was a Goth
d. She was openly Wiccan

The persecution was often accompanied by "Christian singing & chanting." Her "teachers" laughed at her, and the administration ignored what was going on entirely.

According to Andy, who is a skilled astrologer, Tempest's chart indicated that she would have been a gifted healer and counselor. The world has been darker and less rich without her.

I would like to ask all of you to at the very least participate in a moment of remembrance on Monday, 16th September 2019ce at any time that you are able. I myself will be performing the Child of Light Healing Ritual for Tempest at 9pm Eastern Time. I invite everyone reading this to join me in joint ritual to send healing energies to her spirit and to all those who are persecuted for being true to themselves. If you are not Magickally inclined or do not know the Child of Light Healing Ritual, then prayer will do.

I don't ever have needed to meet Tempest Kayne Smith to Love her. She needs to know that she is Loved and not forgotten.

For those of you who are still within this mortal coil, know that you are not alone. Your persecution is not your fault. Being true to yourself is not a crime and you have nothing to apologize for. Stand strong, and do not let the hatred of ignorant minds and empty hearts tear you down. If nothing else, know that you are Loved by the Gods for who you are, not who the world wants you to be. As a servant of the Gods, I, too, Love you without ever knowing you, without ever meeting you. I am easy to find and will offer what Love and support I am able if you reach out to me.

To those who witness the brutality of those cretins who prey on those whose only crime is being different, know that to do nothing is worse than if you had taken part in the assault yourself. Even inaction is a choice, and choosing to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to someone in need is not only cowardice, it is evil.

Blessed Be, One and All.

The preceding message has been brought to you by the memory of Tempest Kayne Smith and is sponsored by the number 12. Thank you.

I am The Kyle and I wholeheartedly approve this message.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Blog #29: The Pros & Cons Podcast

Over the last year and a half I have been working with Bethany Jones, cohost of The Pros & Cons, a really top notch true-crime podcast that focuses on the story that sensationalist media jackal -whores don't bother with. Where the media focuses solely on the gore and the horror of the crime, and sensationalizes what should be treated with dignity and respect, Bethany and her cohost Adrianna focus their attention on how things got to the point where they became so bad, and also what happened after the verdict was handed down and the media stopped paying attention, turning their attention to whatever new tragedy they could exploit for ratings.

In the time that I worked with her, Bethany never once even attempted to draw me into any kind of discussion that even hinted at sensationalism. From the beginning she handled the Tragedy of Dr. Schwartz's death with the utmost respect. She never once downplayed my role in what happened, but at the same time she didn't treat me like a monster either. I quickly came to understand why she has earned the moniker The Inmate Whisperer.

I have given a lot of thought about what to say to encourage you to tune in, but at the end of the Night, I think the interview will speak for itself. It requires no gilding of the lilly from me. Those of who follow me here, you know me. You know how I feel about the media, and you know I wouldn't consent to an interview if there was any possibility they would handle it in any way other than how it deserved. I hope you will listen to it, I hope that it helps you in some way, and I hope you will share it with everyone you know who might need it.

Spread the word, Cats & Kittens. We have to stop the Beast.


Blog #28: Cockroaches In The Matrix

Hey, Cats & Kittens!

Pop quiz! But I swear this will be more fun than grade school math!

Question: What do you get when you mix dry cereal, poor pest control, and a chow hall overseer who really doesn't give a frak about what she feeds her captive inmates?

Answer: A ruined breakfast, a need for immediate tooth brushing, and the latest in my dripping brain matter style of poetry!

Cockroaches In The Matrix

I have no legs I have no legs I have no legs please don't step on me!
Cockroaches masquerading as Cap'n Crunch
Crunchy carapaces crunching on my molars
My molars might make a mighty mess
There is no spoon
There is cereal, but there is no spoon
There is milk but it is soy milk
Spoiled soy milk
Spoiled soy milk curdles
Curdles like my brain when I listen to drivel
Drivel drips out my ears and stains my shirt
I need to change my shirt but I only have the one
The One is not enough to stop the spread of the Many
Agent Smith is the Many
There is no spoon but there is the Many
Many, Many, Many, Many, Many, Many, Many
"Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me"
"Me too!"
One from Many
There is no spoon
I'll eat my cereal dry
Damn cockroaches

The preceding has been a stream of consciousness sponsored by Cheshire Industries, the Multiverse's only source of The Strangeness, and is brought to you by the brain matter I've just splattered across your screen. Your welcome!

I am The Kyle and I approved this message!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Blog #27: An Awesome Kind of Validation

Hey, Ezio, my tiny Dude, this one's for you!

I Love Origami. It is a skill sets I've devoted years of work to mastering. I find it so awesome to take a square piece of paper and make something cool out of it. And they make great gifts! When my Mother's favourite parrot Bizzy Bird died, her other parrot Pow Bird was lonely. So I folded a parrot for her to sit outside his cage, and Pow Bird now talks to the paper Bizzy Bird as if he'd never left!

A few weeks ago, one of my closest friends, Wolf, asked me to fold a few models for his five-year-old Nephew, Ezio. Ezio has autism, and Wolf thought that Origami folds would be something new that he'd enjoy.

I folded about a half-dozen models for Ezio, among them a Fox -- one of my personal favourites. I was told after they arrived that Ezio Loved them, and I was happy to hear it. I thought that was the end of that. Good deed done, Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy Thoughts of super-cool-awesome Yesness all around! Yayness!

...Yeah, if only! In The Kyle's world, it's never that simple!

Imagine my surprise when, about two weeks later, Wolf approaches me and asks me if I can make another Fox for Ezio. Of course I immediately agreed and inquired as to why (as a matter of pure curiosity) Wolf wanted me to fold another Fox. Wolf informed me that Ezio has decided that the Fox I folded for him belongs in his hand. At ALL times! According to his Mother, Ezio now comes home from Kindergarten, drops his backpack, and picks up two things which then do not leave his hands for any reason without the Universe suffering a Space-Brat scale tantrum: his tablet and the Fox! As a result of the constant death grip he has on his favourite Origami model, it's gotten a little...grubby. ^_^ You know how five year olds are when they decide something is their favourite.

So of course I'm going to fold him another Fox. In fact, until he decides he doesn't want any more, I'm going to fold as many Foxes as he can strangle with his adorable little death grip!

But here's the thing. When I folded the models for him, I had no idea he'd take to them so keenly, or that they'd mean so much to him. I mean, I folded them as a gift to a child I don't know, because a close friend asked me to. It's not the first time I've folded by request (I tell all my pen pals that if they send me the instructions I'll fold them anything they want!), but this is the first time I've been told my folds meant so much to someone else. All it is is a paper model with a cute face drawn on it, and it's become little Ezio's favourite thing in the world.

This has caused me to stop and think. Honestly, I've never felt so validated in my life! Like anyone else, I've always wanted to be acknowledged for the skill sets I've devoted so much of my time to mastering, but Ezio is the most unexpected source of validation I could have ever imagined!

Leave it to a five year old to make all the hours you've spent learning to fold tiny squares of paper into animals worth every single second, and make every papecut you've ever suffered a worthwhile sacrifice.

Today, Thursday, VII ii 2018ce, for his unknowing gift of making me feel as awesome as The Minions movie, I and everyone here at Cheshire Industries enthusiastically salute Ezio as one of the truest, hoopiest froods ever to don a pair of Baby Sketchers, and certainly 27 kinds of super-cool-awesome that easily leaves all other kiddies choking in his dust. Ezio is definitely our kind of mini-people!

The preceding message has been brought to you by Cheshire Industries and is sponsored by one hell of a super-cool-awesome kid named Ezio; Origami Lovers everywhere; and is brought to you by the number 5. Thank you.

I AM The Kyle and I approved this message!