Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Blog #1: Enter The Strangness!

Entering Blogosphere....
<Scanning complete>
Scanners indicate the Blogosphere is an ideal canidate to host The Strangeness. Initiate teleportation of random oddities...

Flictonic Clipple Wave Syndrome is in full effect: Please stand by for Trans-dimentional Teleportation of random oddities...
Hi! I am The Kyle, Certified (and Certifiable) Mad Hatter and the founder and Commander - in - Chief of Cheshire Industries, your one - stop - shop for all your oddity fixations. Welcome to my Blog! I hope this introduction will give you an idea of what you're in for...
Not too long ago, I realized that the world is far to serious for its own good; way too many of you out there in Freeworld are all stressed out with no-one to choke! Thus, I took it upon myself to initiate a first-strike protocol and begin launching my vast arsenal of WMDs (that's Whimsically Maniacal Diatribes) and employ my mega-awesome patented designer virus, codenamed The Strangeness, to infect the world with all kinds of Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy Yayness and bring it to its senses!
My First target was facebook, but those damn character limitations are not conducive to spreading my highly-communicable virus, so I've turned my sights on the Blogosphere. Here I can effect a higher saturation rate and an enhanced viral efficacy, which means  that my plans for world domination can now proceed undeterred! Prepare to be infected-victory is mine!
There is no cure for The Strangeness and your immune system can't repel it - I've designed it that way! :) So, not only is resistance futile, but you're just not going to have any fun trying. Come to The Kyle Side - we've got cookies!
If you'd like to communicate with me, I Love meeting new and interesting people. The best way to reach me is via snail mail at my Super Secret Ultra Hidden Mad Scientist Hideaway of Ultimate Obscure Not - Findingness:
Kyle Hulbert #1165519
River North Correctional Center
329 Dell Brook Lane
Independence, Virginia 24348
(but shhh! it's a secret - duh!) You can post comments (and it's be a super-cool-awesome if you did), but my Evil Minions have recently gotten themselves addicted to snorting printer toner and until I get them all through rehab, they'll only be able to print emails once a month. Given my location, snail is the only surefire means of timely communication with me, especially given that my jailors take a very dim view of me having any access to Internet-connected computers (I swear, you upload one tiny self-replicating Cylon network virus and the Pentagon gets all Defcon 1 on you....)
Through my faithful and trusty Evil Minions, I will be hijacking the Blogosphere on a regular basis and uploading massive doses of The Strangeness for your infectious pleasure. It is my express purpose to infect the entire world! You can increase your chances of contracting The Strangeness by writing me directly - that's why it's called a communicable virus!
If you'd like to learn more about your new favorite Mad Hatter with the Cheshire grin, you can talk to my Evil Minions and/or go to and find my page under Virginia Inmates; you can learn all the particulars of my incarceration by going to; or you can come straight to the source to ask, I'll have the decency to be honest.
I will soon be uploading all VaDOC's (stupid!) mail rules, which I strongly urge you to read (apparently, the prison frowns upon anyone mailing me rocket-assist jump boots and hand-held neutron cannons - go figure!). My evil Minions are working extra-specially hard to fill this Blog profile with everything you could possibly need to get into contact with me and keep up with the Wonderfully Frakked-Up Life of Everyone's Favourite Mad Hatter, The Kyle! Lucky you!
In any event, cats and kittens, stay tuned and remember that a truly hoopy frood always knows where is his towel is!

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